The Historical Debates website, historical-debates.oireachtas.ie, contains the full text of the Official Report of the Parliamentary Debates of the Houses of the Oireachtas. It includes the Dáil Debates from 21 January 1919 (First Dáil) and the Seanad Debates from 11 December 1922 (First Seanad).
Below are some extracts from these debates that specifically concern Kilbrin parish. These are grouped into three categories; namely Kilbrin Water Scheme, Kilbrin National School and Kilbrin Sewerage Scheme.
Kilbrin Water Scheme.
03 November, 1965
Mr. Cronin asked the Minister for Local Government what the present position is in regard to the provision of a water supply for the Castlemagner and Kilbrin areas, County Cork.
Mr. Blaney: A preliminary report from Cork County Council on the Newmarket/Knocknagree regional water supply scheme which will serve these areas is at present being examined in my Department.
12 October, 1966
Mr. McAuliffe asked the Minister for Local Government the cause of the delay in having a water supply provided for the parishes of Castlemagner, Lisgriffin and Kilbrin, County Cork.
Mr. Blaney: Preliminary proposals for the Newmarket-Knocknagree regional water supply scheme which will serve the areas to which the Deputy refers have been the subject of correspondence with the local authority and are still under examination in my Department.
Mr. McAuliffe: When will the Department make a decision on this very important matter?
Mr. Blaney: I could not tell the Deputy at the moment.
08 November, 1967
Mr. McAuliffe asked the Minister for Local Government when the proposed water scheme will be extended to Castlemagner, Kilbrin and Lisgriffin, County Cork.
Mr. Haughey: The areas referred to by the Deputy are included in the proposed Newmarket/Knocknagree/ Allow regional water supply scheme. This scheme, together with a number of other regional water supply schemes in the Cork area, and elsewhere, is included in a review of regional schemes generally which is at present being carried out by sanitary authorities throughout the country. A decision on the proposals at present before my Department must await completion of this review.
12 November, 1969
Mr. Meaney asked the Minister for Local Government what is the position in regard to Kilbrin group water scheme, County Cork.
Mr. Boland: The design of this scheme which was recently received in my Department is being examined this week by the Department's local inspector and the Cork County Council liaison officer.
Kilbrin National School
28 October, 1965
Mr. Burton asked the Minister for Education what progress has been made to date on the plans for the erection of a new national school at Ballygraddy, Castlecor, Mallow, County Cork.
Mr. Colley: A site for a new school at Ballygraddy was offered last month and a report on its suitability is awaited from the Office of Public Works.
Mr. Burton asked the Minister for Education if his attention has been directed to the bad state of repair of the national school at Curraghs, Liscarroll, County Cork; and, if so, what steps he proposes to take to have the necessary repairs carried out.
Mr. Colley: The Commissioners of Public Works have recently recommended that the Curraghs school be replaced by a new building. My Department will carry out a full investigation shortly to determine the future arrangements for the provision of suitable educational facilities for the children living in this school district. Pending the results of that investigation the Commissioners are being asked to report as to what works are necessary to keep the existing building serviceable for some time longer.
06 November, 1969
Mr. Meaney asked the Minister for Education what is the position in regard to the erection of a new primary school at Kilbrin, Kanturk, County Cork.
Mr. Faulkner: My Department has approved of the erection of a four-classroomed schools at Kilbrin, to replace the schools at Ballygraddy and Curraghs.
The site offered by the manager has been accepted and production of satisfactory evidence of title by his solicitor is awaited. Sketch plans submitted by the manager's architect have been referred for approval to the Commissioners of Public works, who have been asked for an estimate of the cost of the new school.
When these matters have been attended to, a grant towards the cost of the erection of the school will be sanctioned by my Department. The further arrangements, leading to the invitation of tenders and the placing of a contract, will be a matter for the Commissioners of Public Works.
02 December, 1970
Mr. Meaney asked the Minister for Finance when work will commence on the new primary school at Kilbrin, Kanturk, County Cork.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Taoiseach (Mr. Andrews) (for the Minister for Finance): Tenders for the erection of this school have been received by the manager's architect and submitted to the Commissioners of Public Works. The Commissioners expect to authorise the manager to accept a tender within the next few weeks.
18 May, 1971
Mr. Burton asked the Minister for Finance the present position regarding the proposed new primary school approved for Kilbrin, Kanturk, County Cork; and when building work is likely to commence.
Mr. Colley: The reverend manager was recently authorised to accept a tender for the erection of this school. It will now be a matter for him and his architect to arrange with the contractor for the commencement of the work.
02 December, 1986
Mr. D. Moynihan asked the Minister for Education if he will restore the school bus route to Ballyrushion, a distance of 0.9 of a mile to provide transport for a child attending Scoil Eoin Báiste, Kilbrin, County Cork.
Minister for Education (Mr. Cooney): The standard of service at present available to the child in question is considered to be reasonable and adequate in the context of the general operation of the school transport scheme. In the circumstances, an extension of the present route would not be warranted.
22 June, 2005
Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Education and Science if she will provide the information which she refused to give on 25 May 2005; and the schools which have 30 children or more in their classes in Cork City and County for 2003, 2004 and 2005. [21335/05]
Ms Hanafin: There was never any question of a refusal to provide information to the Deputy. The information requested by the Deputy in respect of the 2004-05 school year is now finalised and the following table sets out this information together with information for the years 2000-01 and 2003-04 as now sought by the Deputy. The information refers to ordinary classes only.
(Extract from list for Scoil Eoin Baiste, Kilbrin only)
No. Classes by Class Size |
0 to 9 |
10 to 19 |
20 to 24 |
25 to 29 |
30 to 34 |
35 to 39 |
N/A |
1 |
1 |
2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Kilbrin Sewerage Scheme
20 March, 1997
Mr. Dempsey asked the Minister for the Environment the plans, if any, he has to grant assistance for a group sewerage scheme for Kilbrin, County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Minister for the Environment (Mr. Howlin): There is no record in my Department of a proposal for a group sewerage scheme at this location. As already announced, responsibility for the administration of the group schemes programme is being devolved to the local authorities, subject to existing commitments on foot of approvals issued by my Department. It will in future be a matter for the local authorities to decide on grant applications.
10 March, 1998
Mr. M. Moynihan asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government when permission will be granted to Cork County Council for a new sewerage scheme in Kilbrin, County Cork; when permission will be granted to appoint consultants to prepare a preliminary report in view of the fact that a design brief was submitted in September 1997 to his Department.
Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Dempsey): A brief for this scheme has been submitted to my Department. Given the high level of commitments under the water and sewerage services investment programme I cannot say when it may be possible to approve it.
01 May, 2001
Mr. M. Moynihan asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the progress made since his announcement of funding for the sewerage scheme in Kilbrin, County Cork.
Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Dempsey): This scheme has been approved for funding under the rural towns and villages initiative and the preliminary report was approved by my Department last September. The collection system is to be procured by conventional means and it is a matter for Cork County Council to progress this element of the scheme through to construction stage. The treatment plant is being procured as a grouped design-build-operate contract with the treatment plants for Buttevant and Doneraile. I understand that a brief for the appointment of a clients' representative for these works is currently being prepared by Cork County Council.
16 October, 2001
Mr. M. Moynihan asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government when work on the Kilbrin sewerage scheme will begin.
Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Dempsey): This scheme has been approved for funding under the rural towns and villages initiative.
In July 2001, I approved Cork County Council's proposal for the appointment of a client's representative to advance the procurement of the wastewater treatment plant by way of a grouped sewerage scheme that also involves the Buttevant and Doneraile schemes. It is now a matter for the council to prepare the tender documents.
Contract documents for the collection system in Kilbrin are currently under examination in my Department and will be dealt with as quickly as possible.
13 November, 2001
Mr. N. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the reason for the delay in implementing a sewerage and draining scheme development (details supplied) in County Cork.
Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Dempsey): This scheme has been approved for funding under the rural towns and villages initiative. In July 2001, I approved Cork County Council's proposal for the appointment of a client's representative to advance the procurement of the wastewater treatment plant by way of a grouped sewerage scheme that also involves the Kilbrin and Doneraile schemes. It is now a matter for the council to prepare the tender documents. A design brief is awaited from the council for the appointment of a consultant for the collection system element of the scheme.
21 February, 2002
Mr. N. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government when a sewerage scheme (details supplied) in County Cork will commence. [6204/02]
Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Dempsey): This scheme has been approved for funding under the rural towns and villages initiative. In July 2001, I approved Cork County Council's proposal for the appointment of a client's representative to advance the procurement of the wastewater treatment plant by way of a grouped sewerage scheme that also involves the Kilbrin and Doneraile schemes. It is now a matter for the council to appoint the client's representative to prepare the tender documents. In relation to the collection system element of the scheme, I understand that the council is progressing the appointment of a consultant to undertake the design work and prepare contract documents.
06 February, 2003
Mr. N. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government when a new sewerage scheme is due to commence at a location (details supplied) in County Cork.
Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Cullen): Buttevant sewerage scheme has been approved for funding in my Department's Water Services Investment Programme 2002-2004 under the rural towns and villages initiative. The wastewater treatment plant is being procured as a grouped design-build-operate contract that also includes treatment plants at Kilbrin and Doneraile. My Department is awaiting the submission by Cork County Council of tender documents for these works and for the Buttevant collection and delivery system.
01 July, 2003
Mr. M. Moynihan asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position regarding a sewerage scheme (details supplied); and when tangible progress might be made in the matter.
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr. Cullen): Kilbrin sewerage scheme has been approved for funding in my Department's water services investment programme 2002-04 under the rural towns and villages initiative.
I have recently approved the appointment by Cork Country Council of a client's representative to prepare tender documents for the wastewater treatment plant for this and a number of other schemes being procured as a grouped design-build-operate contract. My Department is awaiting the submission by the council of revised contract documents for the collection system element of the Kilbrin scheme.
08 July, 2004
Mr. Murphy asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when he intends giving the go ahead for the Kilbrin sewerage scheme, Kilbrin, Mallow, County Cork.
Mr. Cullen:The Kilbrin sewerage scheme has been approved for funding in my Department’s water services investment programme, 2004-2006, under the rural towns and villages initiative. I approved the contract documents for the collection system for the scheme in May 2004. It is now a matter for Cork County Council to invite tenders. Additional information required by my Department to facilitate consideration of the tender documents for the new wastewater treatment plant, which is being procured as part of a grouped design-build-operate contract that also includes Doneraile and Buttevant, has recently been received from the council and is under examination.
23 November, 2004
Mr. M. Moynihan asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the state of progress on a development (details supplied) in County Cork; if he will outline the delays in this project since the announcement of funding by his Department in 1999; and the reasons therefor.
Mr. Roche: The Kilbrin sewerage scheme has been approved for construction in my Department’s Water Services Investment Programme 2004-2006 under the rural towns and villages initiative at an estimated cost of €1.4 million. My Department approved contract documents for the collection system in May 2004 and it is a matter for the council to advance this element of the scheme to construction.
Tender documents for the Kilbrin waste water treatment plant, which is being procured as part of a grouped design-build-operate contract that also involves a number of other locations, have been submitted to my Department by Cork County Council. The tender documents will be further considered when they have been revised by the council as requested by my Department in September 2004.
23 March, 2005
Mr. N. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his Department has been responsible for the delay in a sewerage scheme (details supplied) being put in place in County Cork; and if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the necessary capital allocation was approved for this project in 1999.
Mr. Roche:The Buttevant sewerage scheme has been approved for funding in my Department’s water services investment programme 2004-06 under the rural towns and villages initiative.
My Department has approved Cork County Council’s contract documents for the sewage collection system and it is a matter for the council to advance the tender process for these works. The waste water treatment plant for Buttevant is being separately procured as part of a grouped design-build-operate contract that also includes Kilbrin and Doneraile. My Department is awaiting submission of revised tender documents for the treatment plants for approval, as requested from the council in October 2004.
22 November, 2005
Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has approved the tender for the waste water treatment plant for Doneraile, Buttevant and Kilbrin, County Cork.
Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if funding will be provided for Buttevant sewerage scheme; and when it is likely that the scheme will commence.
Mr. Roche: I propose to take Questions Nos. 593 and 594 together.
The Buttevant, Doneraile and Kilbrin sewerage schemes have been approved for funding in my Department’s Water Services Investment Programme 2004-2006 under the rural towns and villages initiative. The wastewater treatment plants for the three schemes are being procured as part of a single grouped contract. Cork County Council’s revised contract documents are under examination in my Department and are being dealt with as quickly as possible. Once contract documents are approved, the council will be in a position to invite tenders for the works.
The sewage collection systems for the three schemes are being advanced as separate contracts. Contract documents for the collection system for the Buttevant scheme were approved by my Department last year and I understand that the council is currently assessing tenders received. The construction of the collection system for the Doneraile scheme is nearing completion. The collection system for Kilbrin has been completed.